Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday and other Schtuff.

Hello everyone / no one!

Its been a little bit since I've updated as usual. The ACT has been running my life and I am so glad its over for me and the kids. The weekend of the 25th I went to see my loverly twin sister, mom, aunts, and little cousin in D.C. As aforementioned, I knew that weekend was going to try me. In the name of wanting to splurge a little, I ended up not tracking the whole weekend. Part of me did not really have time, part of me did not want to, and part of me was dreading the amount of points I was going to be eating. Honesty.

When I got there Friday night, we had veggie pizza. Let me just tell you that I got a speeding ticket, and it took me over 6 hours to get there. Beyond tired. I had 2 pieces, for about 10ish points. I ate really well that day to avoid maximum splurge overhaul. Saturday: kashi cereal and coffee for breakfast, salad for lunch at the foodcourt, followed by a splurge dinner at American Girl Place, which included a fruit/yogurt/mini muffin appetizer, grilled chicken pesto on ciabatta sandwich with sweet potato fries, and a mini strawberry ice cream cone. FRENCH FRIES. It was heavenly bad. Thats the first time I put one of those suckers in my mouth since I started. The dinner was SO FILLING. I couldn't eat it all, so I guess that's a good sign my gut is decreasing in size a little. It was a lot of fun, delicious, and made me want to be a kid again. The displays were so beautiful and the new dolls are too! I'm jealous Laura got such an awesome experience for her birthday. Sunday, Steph and I got mani-pedis in fun springy colors, and ate way too much food. We went to a great brick oven pizza place for dinner and I had sliders and some pizza. We also got "DC cupcakes"....I brought some back for boyfriend too and he thoroughly enjoyed himself.  We had giant cups of coffee and some much needed time together. It was a great weekend!

When I got back, it sucked having to track again. It was so nice NOT GIVING A SHIT about what I put in my mouth for a day. I was exhausted and didn't get my ass out to walk ONCE. I just couldn't do it, with work and grading, I was a hot tired mess that whole week.

Laura chose "Julie," the 70's Hippie girl. She has some wacked out clothes, but gorgeous hair.

This pedicure was THE BEST EVER OF ALL TIME. I gave that bitch a $5 tip. It was pure heaven and pampering for 2 full hours.

For last week's weigh in, I wasn't expecting miracles.  185. 2. I gained .2 back, which to be honest, I didn't really care about. I knew I'd be tracking right away again and getting down to business.

This week, I'm down 1.4 lbs! Which is decent considering that I have my period, which is frickin HORRIBLE this month - so crampy, so bloated, so disgusting-fatty-fat feeling. I am down 14.2 lbs total since my beginning weight. Yay!

I'll take it. Addie and I did two miles both Monday and Tuesday. I took tonight off to clean the apartment and chillax. I plan on walking Thursday and Friday and throughout the weekend.

My body was feeling really good and I could notice that things weren't so tight before I left to go see Steph. It was the thinnest I've felt in a long time. I feel like shit this week. Hopefully once my water retention and period fat deposits get out, I'll be feeling better, especially since I lost again this week.

I'm planning to get my nails done again next week with a couple girls from work. Can't wait. This may be a problem.

Happy Humpday!

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